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3 things to do each day to boost your confidence.

Have you ever walked past someone, and thought - man, that person just radiates confidence and happiness? How to I start to feel like that!? 

Well little secret babe, no-one - and we mean no-one.. feels beautiful and confident all the time. It's something that takes time, practise and work. 

But there is nothing more beautiful or contagious than someone feeling happy in their own skin - so it's time to do the work babe! 

1) Stand straight, work on your posture. 

Most of us are all guilty of hunching a little - and this little slouch can have big effects on how we feel. So, each time you notice it - stand up straight, tall..and start to feel the difference. 

2) Accept compliments. 

Yes, really accept them. Don't make a joke about it, don't play it down - if someone pays you a compliment, believe it! Accept it, and thank the person. See the difference in how you start to feel when you actually accept them! 

3) Practise one act of self care per day. 

Even when times are busy, try to actively and consciously practise one self love act per day. It could be doing something you love like reading a book, lighting a candle, or doing a face mask. But whatever it is, when we take care of ourselves, we feel we are worthy of being taken care of. So make it a priority babe, because you deserve it! 

It's the little steps that when continued to practise, will slowly change your mindset and leave you knowing how truly beautiful you are.

So come on babe, let's do the work.
